Exploring Markets
Finding the trade you want.
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Finding the trade you want.
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From the market list page, there are several ways to quickly find the markets you want to trade:
Use the dropdown to filter popular market types. By default this is set to All Markets.
You can also search for the market you wish to trade using the search bar in the upper right of the Market List page. Use a keyword to filter by markets that's included it in their title or description.
You can sort the market list based on the following options:
Total Volume - The total number of shares traded on each market.
24hr Volume - The total number of shares traded on each market over the last 24hr period.
Liquidity - The amount of funds added to the market's pool.
Ending soon - Markets ending soonest.
Open - Markets are open to trade on.
Resolved - Markets have resolved and the outcome defined.
Toggle on Show liquid markets only to hide any illiquid markets.